Saturday, October 6, 2012

Influential Blogging by Our Role Models

The idea of blogging is trying to find a way intrigue our readers by how and what we write. Blogging is a way of expressing on how you feel about a particular topic you have read or experienced. Just like anything you are writing about, you want to make sure that everything is in your own words and if you do use outside sources, make sure to credit them. When writing to your audience, you would also consider using vocabulary that they will understand. For me, if I read a blog about medicine and used vocabulary that I did not understand, it does not interest me because I believe in the idea of blogs is to be able to complicate your arguments from a rhetorical aspect rather than just using big words that people may not understand.

            People that blog have their own personal style of writing. Some bloggers like to make arguments and use legitimate sources to support their reasoning while others reflect on discoveries they have approached when reading other blogs.  Since I am new with blogging, I wanted to explore other blogs just to see how writing styles can vary based upon the subject of matter, how much knowledge they have about the subject, and if their ideas complicate their readers. Sometimes, with some blogs, they are too boring. If you are interested in getting in the path of the medical field, a lot of blogs that I have found seem to be bland. There was an article that I have found called “How A Protein Rich Diet Can Help Prevent Pre-Eclampsia in Pregnancy ”. This article was interesting to read, but I thought there could have been better ways to write it. Ideally, when someone looks up a certain medical condition, they usually want to know what the condition is, how is it caused, possibly have some statistics, and treatment. This is what the author of this article did but for me, I feel that it did not do its job as a blog. For someone who is not so use to some medical terms, it might be a useless blog.  I did not know what the medical condition was at first, but then I decided to look up the condition. Pre- Eclampsia is a medical condition 20 weeks of pregnancy in a woman that have high blood pressure and excessive amount protein in their urine[i].  The idea of writing blogs is not making it informational.
            I have decided to explore more blogs and compare it to the first one I found. This blog I encountered was considered to be a “naturopathic blog” but when I read it, I did not see how it related to medicine or the idea of naturopath.  First Person to Make Me Cry “ was a blog written by Krystal Plonski. This blog was a more personal blog but I did not find it to be a professional blog. She had a good moral to her “story” but it was too general with what has happened with her experience. As a person who is supposedly in the field of naturopathic medicine, I would have thought she would have talked about her experiences with using alternative medicines or that her story would have been about a bad experience with a patient who reacted to a medicine. Comparing this blog to the first blog that I have found, I felt that this blog was more personal but did not meet with what I think a blog should be.

            As I continued to search for more blogs, I finally found a blog that would help benefit me with how I should bring in my audience. All blogs should have a purpose of trying to interest your reader by what you write. How to Get Better Sleep and Treat Insomnia is a blog that explains ways of treating people who have trouble sleeping. This blog is not necessarily relatable with this author’s personal experience, but it is relatable to people whom not just only have problems with sleeping but also treating themselves without using prescribed medicine.  These author first talks about the benefits of sleep, then what are the causes of restlessness of sleep, and lastly ways of trying to get better night of rest. This blog is not too simple with words or complicated, which makes it easier to understand. I like how this blog has bullet points of the explanations and causes of not getting the sleep you need.  This blog was very relatable to me because I have a problem with sleeping and trying to make sure I have plenty of rest, and like this article mentions, a lot of it has to do with stress.
            There were many more blogs that I have encountered, but I chose these three articles in particular because I thought that these bloggers had different styles of blogging. From the bland and simple blogging to a sophisticated but relatable writing, we all have different tastes of how blogs draw us to be interested in their taste of interest.


  1. Every blogger might has their own way to express their words and thoughts. However, I believe that they still should follow some-kind of standard of writing which will make their blog credible, yet still enjoyable to read. Like what you have mentioned, blog should consist a mix between your own opinion and others' thought. Without your own opinion a blog will become too predictable and boring and without others' thoughts or outside sources your arguments will look flat and unprofessional. So, a mix between those two things is must in order to create a good and enjoyable blog post.

  2. Nadia, you are right about your first blog. If I went on a blog and was reading about a disease, then I would also like to know more details about the disease itself. However, I think if the blog was found on a page specifically for that disease then the writer of the blog should not have to explain it because if a reader is on that site then there should be some kind of knowledge about the disease. Also about the second blog, like Brianto said, maybe that was her own way of expressing her words or thoughts, but like you said if it doesn't seem to make sense then it is hard to understand it.

  3. You seem like you really want to create a blog that highlights your career path in the best way. By looking at these three blogs it shows that you want a detailed blog that is informative and far from simple. You make such a good point that you have to keep your writing informative but still manageable to read. I think with the medical field there is so many things, terminology especially, it is hard to create a blog or article that will show that you are knowledgeable about the subject but still can draw in an audience that may be not so informed as you. There will always people that some of the more advanced terms but that challenges you to see where you want to go with your writing.

  4. I understand when blogs use heavy words and complicated concepts they can seem overwhelming. However, I don't agree when you state, “The idea of writing blogs is not making it informational." I read blogs not for my health, but to learn something. I understand certain blogs should be more of an easy read, but there should be value behind the words. If we as readers simply don’t understand the words or phrases in a blog we can look them up. Perhaps a good blog would incorporate links to complicated words making the read more accessible to learn.
